In the news this week: An unemployed single woman had several frozen embryos left over from her first go-round of invitro. She somehow got an unethical doctor to implant all of them, knowing how high-risk multiple births are. She's already got six kids (ranging from 2 to 7 -- but hey, they're not babies any more, and this woman is into BABIES, not toddlers). She recently delivered eight tiny babies by C-section, all fighting for their lives in a NICU. Who gets to foot the bill for this (foolish disturbed, obsessed, selfish) woman's reproductive fantasy? You and me, Mr. & Mrs. U.S. Taxpayer. WE will pay for the millions in medical care these children will need just to survive their first year. We'll probably end up paying a huge chunk of their care and feeding after that, too, because mom is single and unemployed (but has a degree in Child Development -- and pursuing an advanced degree in COUNSELING ...(big laugh)... also on Taxpayer Dollars). AND, she will capitalize on her notariety by (you guessed it) retaining a PUBLICIST and getting herself a BOOK DEAL. Her 14 children are, of course, the real losers in this. Not only do they have a certified wingnut for a mother, she wouldn't have enough time for each of them if she was that Hindu goddess with eight arms. This woman thrives on attention, and it's all about HER; this is a textbook case of Munchausen's waiting to happen( ). The only good reason for anyone to buy her future 'book' is that, sadly, 14 innocent lives are dependent upon the income. If this idiot had a conscience that functioned as well as her uterus, the newborns would be adopted out into loving homes where each of them could get the attention they deserve. Better yet, the U.S. could grow up as a nation and change the law prohibiting frozen embryos from being adopted out -- implanted into infertile women (or surrogates) who would cherish a child.
But that self-deluded "supermom"-moron couldn't be a star then, could she?
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