Women were allowed to register to vote for the first time in Iran's current presidential race, although none were deemed 'fit to run,' themselves, by the old regime. Zahava Rahnavad, an artist and activist for women's rights in Iran, is the first woman to actively campaign with her husband, the favorite to oust the incumbent buffoon, Ahmadinejad, from office. She is largely believed to be the brains of the outfit, ala Hilary Clinton. Maybe the Iranians, who are waiting hours in line to vote in record turnouts, with finally see adequate representation and freedoms for their women.
2:30 pm CST
This just in -- apparently the Iranians have just reelected Ahmadinejad by an overwhelming majority, even though they've not yet counted all the votes. I'm not holding my breath for a recount. By the way, anyone noticed Jeb Bush's whereabouts lately? Didn't he promise to "deliver Iraq" to the GOP? Oops, my bad. That was Florida. The middle east is learning something from the US, after all.
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