Friday, June 12, 2009

Sarah Palin Wastes Valuable Air Time (Again)

Sarah, there you go again, conducting your education in public. This is exactly what the country has come to expect from you. David Letterman is a comedian, fahcrissakes. Your whining is only providing fodder for those who can't take you seriously, anyway. Your daughter (whichever one he was referring to in his joke) doesn't need protection from him or any other public figures, except maybe you and your nitwit husband. Wasn't it right under your oblivious noses that Bristol did get knocked up? That's what Levi Johnston, the father of Bristol's baby, hinted at publicly, and his comments weren't made in jest.

1) Letterman's researchers obviously spotted your minor daughter in the press tape of the ball game and mistook her for Bristol. If you must criticize him at all, let it be for having sloppy researchers, not for picking on you or your kids.

2) He wasn't calling you "slutty", it was your "slutty flight attendant look," he referred to. Your deliberate rephrasing of his joke and your admonishing the public to show more respect for flight attendants, was disingenous by anyone's standards. Believe me, there are tougher women than you in that profession, fully able to handle an attitude or deliver a punch, if necessary. Your silly attempt at defending them probably got more laughs from the AFA than Letterman's line got from his TV audience.

3) You played along with your "Caribou Barbie" image on SNL, as long as you were in the running for VP. I had no intention of voting for your ticket, Sarah, but I sorta liked you then. You were a good sport, and made a believable effort at mature, self-deprecating humor. Now, even your longtime supporters must be wondering how, if you can't handle ribbing from a late night talk show host, you'd do any better with an openly hostile foreign head of state?

By responding to Letterman at all, and keeping this ridiculous topic in the news, you're confirming something the Republican party realized even before they muzzled you on election night: You're an intellectual lightweight who can't be trusted to speak on their behalf. Babbling indiscriminantly for any journalist with a camera, commenting on government policies you haven't bothered to research, and whining about the comments of a professional comedian is no way to build credibility.

How about educating yourself, so that you might one day have opinions worth listening to in the sphere of national politics? There's quite a lot of valuable insight you might have to share, if you didn't concern yourself with the superficial. The GOP began scouting around for someone to replace you five minutes after the polls closed, and my guess is, you're really angry about that -- you just can't say so.

Those who now insist that Cindy McCain never wanted to be First Lady, pose her as the wise procuress who selected you to become his arm candy. Interesting theory, that, and completely believable. Who else but you, Sarah, could've infused his campaign with so much excitement while deflecting attention from his boring old white guy persona? Who else could've held the public so rapt with attention, after cramming for the debate with Joe Biden? You're the smartest decision they made, but Cindy, a former Barbie herself, planted a landmine in her husband's campaign when she gave her consent. You were the publicly perfect consort who would guarantee his loss: Beautiful, folksy, sympathetic... but vacuous.

In reality, Sarah, the GOP hooked up with you for their equivalent of a booty call, then dumped you when you failed to deliver. So, if you can't make them include you in the short list of serious presidential contenders, at least try to be smart with what remains of your 15 minutes of fame -- use it to find a niche that suits your real talents. After all, you were pretty good on SNL...

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